Stories at Night by Firelight
I recommend ‘Buckeye Legends’ for storytelling around the fire circle. Outdoor paper bag lanterns, such as these, are perfect to set the ambiance for nighttime storytelling. By Anna Krejci When the outdoor air turns colder in fall, I want to sit in front of a small fire. At night, I like to watch the mesmerizing light from the flames. I love to feel the warmth from a fireplace or outdoor fire circle. I appreciate the contrast between the chill and being toasty. People gather to warm themselves around a fire. It is a good time to tell and listen to stories. I found a book of stories called “Buckeye Legends: Folktales and Lore from Ohio.” It was written by Michael Jay Katz. I settled into reading it when it was nearly September and time for fall campfires. “Buckeye Legends” has 28 short stories, which are set in many different places in the state. Stories to Tell Here is some of what you’ll find in the book. If you read the stories to your friends or family gathered arou